Friday, January 6, 2012

          Wow, so I haven't blogged in over a year I can't believe how bad I am at this but this year I am going to try and do better.
          We had a great Christmas filled with lots of family, fun, and just relaxing (which is something I have not done in a long time). The girls were very spoiled and loved everything they got we have been playing games almost everyday. The one thing that they did not get were any books, I just couldn't find any good ones for them any where I went. Our New Years was good too. I worked for a few hours that night but once I got home we had some fun, it's crazy how late my kids can stay up. Our church switched to 9:00 so it was a little difficult for the girls to get up and stay happy through church. Jared and I are still Primary teachers for the 6 year olds and we really enjoy it. Now to talk about the girls and what they have been up to for the last year.
           Kaydence is now 4 years old and is in her second year of preschool, she is in the 4 year old primary class and really enjoys church and learning about Jesus. We are having a issues with her sleeping in her room so if any of you have any suggestions please leave them for me. Since Kaydence is going to enter kindergarten in the fall (I can not believe that time has flown by) I have applied for her to go to a Charter school and we are now just waiting for the lottery to start to see if she has been excepted, so within the next two weeks we will find out so keep your fingers crossed.
           Marley is now 2 years old and loves using her imagination. She is still in Nursery but loves it. She is basically potty trained I just need to put her in underwear instead of pullups but we just had so much going on that I didn't dare go anywhere unless she was wearing but but now that the festivities are over I guess it's time. She wants to go to school like her big sister but I am the one who can't let go so next year is going to be really tough for me when I actually do put her in preschool and Kaydence in kindergarten, what will I do with my time.
            Well I guess I will post a couple of pictures of Christmas and the most recent family photo.

Jared looks like a caveman in this picture, fortunately his beard is shaved way down, and Marley no longer has a binky.

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