Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So I have definately been slacking on blogging but hey I am back and with super cute pictures. We had a great Thanksgiving we went to my grandma's house and spent the day with my entire family which was a blast and Kaydence got to play with some cousins she doesn't get to see very often. Kaydence was so excited for Christmas and she kept asking me when Santa was coming so I told her he would come when it snowed so throughout December every time it would snow she would ask if Santa was coming and I felt so bad everytime I had to tell her no not yet. Christmas this year was so much fun because Kaydence actually understood what was going on and she could tell me what she wanted to get. We took her to see Santa and she walke staight up to him, climbed on his lap and then wouldn't say a word no matter how hard I tried to get her to talk so the picture of her and Marley with Santa is not the best. Christmas finally came around and it was a blast but very exhausting. We had my grandparents on my dads side came in town as well as my step moms parents so we had a great Christmas eve dinner at my dads and then we had to go to my in laws house to have Christmas with them. Christmas morning was fun Kaydence was so excited everytime she opened a new present and all she talked about all day was giving and opening presents. We later went to my dads and then to my moms, both Kaydence and Marley got spoiled rotten. Kaydence's big present was a kitchen and some play food which she absolutely loves, plus numerous other presents. Marley and Kaydence got some combined presents but they both love the wagon they got, they made Jared pull them up and down the hall and around the living room all morning. Marley is now seven months old and is grownign so fast, she is very tall for her age just like Kaydence was/is. She is such a food eater and a HUGE momma's girl which I love but it gets irrating, sometimes I can't do anything without holding her. Since I hate super long posts I will end mine now and try to do better in keeping up on my blog so now here are some pictures I hope you enjoy. I will post the really cute profesional pics we got done of them in their cute winter outfits and their Christmas dresses as soo as I get them in the computer.

These two pictures are from the Chournos Christmas party we had at a tumbling place. It was so fun.